Being the Guide runner to the differently abled – No sympathies just pure inspiration..

No sympathies just pure inspiration..

While the hustle with the corporate life continued, running as a passion was building its own lifeline. Running teams were formed and like minded people started to tag along. Running as a team at different events became a ritual and just then I came across the social cause of being a guide runner to the visually impaired runners. This running community was run by a fellow colleague who got me hooked to being the guide runner. The visually impaired runners were a part of a school who had taken up running as a sports activity and our responsibility was to guide these joyful runners on the streets of the city to avoid any unforseen incident. 

At first , it felt like lending help to these runners but it turned out to be the other way around. These were the moments of pure inspiration one can derive from the high will powered individuals who against odds have taken up running in their life-long existence. Now, times when I run in pain, all i would do is think of these runners who believe sky is the limit. 

So, being a guide runner can get technical too. A couple of training sessions and mock runs with the runners can help tou get started. You either run hand in hand or are bonded by a scarf or band of cloth. Communication is the key to help the runners give a insights of what is around because you are the eyes to their journey. Straight road, right turn, left turn, keep right, slow down, hydrate now, how much more to go, hurdles in tbe path, gentle motivation on the route is all that keeps your fellow runner comfortable. There are times when you may not or the runner is not able to gel well which is absolutely fine and have to respect each others comfort level. 
and So did my journey as guide runner to the visually impaired runner began. I attended events and was tagged along with few of the best runners from the schools team. Podium finishes is when you take all the pride of being the much needed support system. The runs continued and I got the opportunity to run with different runners who had their bit to do and prove that nothing is impossible. 

The Braille medal stands out of my collection of medals and keeps reminding of the priceless feat achieved in this journey. 
Braille is a form of written language for blind people, in which characters are represented by patterns of raised dots that are felt with the fingertips.
Slowly and steadily the momentum caught up and we had many guide runners volunteering and was a happy affair. This also boosted the morale of not only the visually impaired runners but also the institutes who were looking forward to such contribution from the society and in the end, it has always been a win win situation. 

I was awarded the fastest guide runner and also honoured at the institute four our contributions as a guide runner. 

This is what we do and a lot can be done when it comes to giving back to the human kind. 

Guide running team is now doing wonder and lead by a responsible citizen, you can find all the details here –
We make a living by what we get, We make a life by what we give! – Anonymous