BRUTE 2022 – First ever ultra trail run in Arunachal Pradesh

This ones closer to the heart! 

BRUTE stands for BASAR RUNNING ULTRA TRAIL EXPERIENCE. The first ever ultra trail run organised in Arunachal Pradesh!

This epic curation by runmonks ( Kushagra Sharma) and Race time india lead to the first ever ultra run to have been conducted in Arunachal Pradesh and the people of Basar and local authority GRK was thrilled and amazed when they were made aware of the concept travel and run. The bottom line with this niche segment of runners was to explore the unexplored and that was exactly the outcome of this event. I have worked with runmonks to present my inputs as a ultra runner that indulges ones self into traveling and using running as a medium to go places across the globe.
Post a recce in November 2021, the uncertainty prevailed due to the epidemic. A close analysis of fluctuating conditions helper zero in on the date of the event 5th March 2022. 

A promo shoot helped cater to social audience in spreading the word about the event that was supposed to be held in a excusitve place Basar.

The registrations opened and we had quite a numbers of runners showing interest of attending the event and this was a good start.
Come March 2022, we witnessed a presence of 300+ runners that made this event a grand success. 
So, this is how it rolled out!!!!
Landed on this heaven five days in advance just to get a hang of the weather conditions. Mornings and Evenings were pretty chill and the days were hot. The people of Basar were quite excited to see new faces in the village and were gearing up to support the run in their capacity. Team GRK in collaboration with Runmonks and Racetimeindia left no stone unturned in putting efforts to execute the much awaited D day. 
The preps were in progress and it was time to meet and greet the humble folks of Basar over dinner and Poka (rice beer)

In Pic: Bomken Basar and Kushagra Sharma.

Bomken is a native of Basar and the idea of conducting a event in Basar was welcomed and Bomken spearheaded the initiative and cultivated the idea of how Basar could turn out to be a epitome of adventure sports and tourism and that is how Brute was born!

Rajesh from Racetimeindia directed the event and Kush lead the marketing aspects of the event. The local authority GRK and its members lead the much neeed helping hands to put things together. I could witness all the hardwork that was flowing in a common vision of making it a grand success. Kudos to the team! 
The Bib collection was scheduled on 4th march at the village chairmans house. The chairman enjoyed all the pleasure of hosting the runners at his place. This was one of its kind where the runners were overwhelmed with the hospitality since day one. 

Right from picking runners from Dibrugarh airport till they made it to Basar with inner line permits to hosting runners in homestay and making them experience the local cuisine was a experience in it own. This was just getting better and better.
Rajesh did the honours of briefing about the route and instructions to ensure you dont get lost. 

In Pic : Kush, Bomken and Rajesh

Important facts, the route is marked with white arrow marks on road and signages. Red, white and orange ribbons hung in the bushes were also a guide on the trails. The aid stations were placed every 4-5kms and stocked with water, electrolytes, fruits and dry fruits. 
The 60 hour run had a cutoff of 10hours. The start time was 6:30am and the flag off was done by yet another VIP with a note of thanks thanking all the runners and organizers who made this event happen.

The start point was at Lai Ho Eco Resort.
Mornings were pretty cold and hence a couple of layers of tight and warmers had to be in place with a hoodie to keep of the ears from cold in the morning. 
Finsihed the stretches and got ready for the flag off. All runners were carrying a timer chip too and was accounted to cross the start and finish line to record the timings.

Owing to the condition, I had double layered with compression tights and a warmer. The pole sticks had come handy to climb the inclines. FYI – Pole sticks are not allowed in international events. 

The 4kms gave a glimpse of the trails that we looked forward to explore as we headed into the course. The elevation bug struck and the first climb towards EB project hits your pace and you undoubtedly have to slow down due to the narrow trails and slush that accumulated due to night rains. We hit the top and a gradual descent paved way to the interiors of the village.

In Pic – Manish and Vishak 

A happy descent ahead took us to DISI school but played on our minds as the same route had to be covered in return. The sun was heading out and this reminded of the heat that your body is bound to generate during the later half of the run. 
The volunteers at checkpoints were making a note of all the runners upon crossing and a record was maintained to help track lost runners if any. 
The checkpoints had ample hydration and all that a runner would need to snack in a little to keep hunger at bay. In addition, you had your share of cheers from the locals that motivated you to give your best. 
The journey continued to the next checkpoint and the intermediate rolling hills makes you revise your strategy to a extent. The under construction roads connecting villages never fail to add to the experience of trail running. The route laid out felt like a maze making you enter and exit evey nook and corner of Basars neighborhood. Not to forget, the arrow marks are always going to be your lifeline that leads your way till the finish point.

The 30km checkpoint had us climb a shorter peak and descend towards it. This aid stations was planned for drop bags and was much relieved as it helped me get rid of the soaked warmer. I continued with compression tights and the tshirt as we did have patches next to water streams and under the trees that cooled down the ambience around.
Yet another trail and yet another village and the momentum continued. Farms, Mountain, bush trails, river sides, wooden bridges, hanging bridges, slush, slippery ascents, water crossings, technical name it and you had it along the route. 

The heat was getting unbearable and with no choice left, I had to pour water at every checkpoint and also dipped in to natural streams and farmland water reservoirs to keep myself cool. 
The orange farms were a blessing and the villagers were kind enough to stock it up on routes with a freehand to pick on the go. The water served in bamboo gaves aesthetics of conserving nature a new meaning and was much appreciated by the runners. This was a learning and a need of the hour to limit the usage of plastic as much as possible. All the pleasures of nature were at your play and distances were covered with calm.
The 30kms checkpoint also acted as the 52kms checkpoint too and was the next shorter goal that was set to conquer. In Ultra runs, settings shorter goals becomes a key ingredients to breakdown any mammoth target. The same has been followed in every run of mine and made mind and body attain a balance thst will compliment and help push your limits. 
The 56th kms gives your feet a nice dip into the river water and cools off your feet from the long run and to your delight, you get yet another chance to walk through the river bed nearing your taget at 58km as per the route description. You need to be extremely careful while you walk on the pebbles that are slippery and answer to this problem is wearing a trail shoe that can give you a good grip in water too 
The end of the race was near and managed to stand 7th with a net time of 8hours 23 minutes.

This wasn’t over yet, the post run party and the 5km run that had a turnout of 200+ runners lit the event  many folds. 

The volunteers of ITPB played a key role in manning the aid stations and in managing the crowd along with the local volunteers. 

The closing ceremony was attended by higher officials who took the privilege to present the medals to the runners along with cash prizes and customary momento. 

The medal was engraved with Mithun and had a story to tell too. Mithun, an endangered species on the verge of extinction needs to be saved!

Race Elevation Profile

The hanging bridge

Shot by 4play – The promo shoot a day before.

The haunted bridge

Oldest couple Manmohan and Shyamala

The Guwahati brigade lead by Bubul Khanikar

Some extra curricular activities at Basar – Community Fishing