IPANeerathon 5kms- Keeping a tab on the recovery #belike

This wasn’t a run to recover event nor was it meant for the podium (2nd runner up). My inhibitions had to be put to rest knowing how much more work is required to get back healthier and stronger. 
Gladly singed up to promote water conservation and offcourse due to a dear friend Sanghamitra, who was the brand ambassador at the event.

Post Ooty ULTRA, the only goal is to balance the pain and discomfort level resulting due to the prevailing injury. 

Results Link
Now that you have seen the above results, there was a lot going on in my mind when I realised the numbness trickling in my toes and fingers. This was a reality check for the amount of fatigue and impact that my Ultra runs of past has had and yes, it was time to sit back, relax, recover, strengthen and get back. 

So the journey begins. No not really, it’s a never ending journey of strength training to compliment your passion for any sport. The discipline and dedication should run in you because its not always the motivation that keeps you going. It’s a chosen lifestyle you keen to follow that reap you rewards in the long run. And yes, let’s not target just focus on immediate gratification but a consistent one. This will keep you up for any barriers that may come your way.
A brief on the race that lasted approx 22 mins did give me a heads-up on the work that needs to be put in for recovery. The initial burst of energy after crossing the start line had me experience the burn out in no time. The fair incline after a kilometre or so felt quite challenging. I chose to slow down as the numbness in the feet and fingers could be randomly felt. This wasn’t comfortable and could only add to my worries If had chosen to push to little bit more, but not today for sure.

With all the buzz doing rounds in my mind also caught me off gaurd when my watch did not connect to GPS and the pace became a blinder for me. This was the first where I felt disabled without having any visibility on the stats during the run. I managed to keep an eye on the minutes but wasn’t helpful as such. 
I tried to maintain a steady pace after 3kms mark and ended 3rd in the age category while the others were ahead of me by couple of minutes. I could definitely suck up on all that motivation that was seen blazing past me. It was a delight to watch and run along side the younger generation too.
With cubbon park in immediate vicinity the. Only challenge would be track the volunteers who would direct you to the right route. With just a few kms left, the list of all the action items were filling up into my bucket list.
1st up was to get in touch with Vamshi Babu, who had me realise the importance of glute activation and giving it a shot was a no brainer. 

Had instant gratification at Vera Fitness today, Thanks to Babu for sharing some key insights that will help in the longevity of running. 
For folks who are still not aware, I suffer from L5 disc bulge that leads to back pain when I hit the fatigue levels. This has always been a point of consideration when I choose to run those Ultras. The mileage trainings were kept to minimal and more of strength and conditioning was helping me bypass those hurdles.
While the above will be a ongoing process and also a process of motivating others to take up running as a natural sport activity to build that longetivity of health and happiness.

While this wasn’t a race to the finish but to yet another journey to get stronger and healthier and No, not a come back because I was never gone. Here’s to more miles and more smiles. Until then train well, eat well, sleep well and run well.
Thankyou IPANEERATHON for organising the event in the midst of the city.

Quote of the day
“Just like there’s always time for pain, there’s always time for healing.”