NEB Bangalore 10k challenge – An icebreaker to next season of Ultras

Nope, I did not run the 10k, I chose to run the 5k instead. This was not to lower the stress of running a 10k, but to up the caliber and experience the burn out on a speedy 5kms. It has been ages since I participated in 5k event and this was mostly during the initial days when running was explored and go to workout to tone your muscles up. Also, having done the 10k challenge route a couple of times, it really did not interest me much. So, 5k is what I signed up for and preps of turning my mind and body in terms of strength workout began. 

I tucked a well deserved break from the Ultras and a 15-20 days off from running is all that I could ask for.
Getting back into the game can be difficult and booster at a running event can help you get moving for sure. Events help you soak in all the motivation one could look for and can do wonders to concepts like couch to 5k or 10k for beginners. Another reason could be the well known socializing factor that makes you meet your peeps and exchange your experiences and chalk out plans on future events. This indeed is yet another high runners thrive for and pays off well indeed. 
Okay.. so now that I had signed up for 5k, the only thing doing rounds in my mind was how much better can I do considering the elevation of the route. With not much speed training under the belt and just a fair bit of running on the earlier weekend and offcourse some strength training is all I had to offer.
In comes the day for the ritual of BIB collection and letting my fellow runners know that I ve signed up for a 5k challenge and with no surprise the obvious question thrown at me was – what am I doing here and even if iam why not the 10k :). Well, the only answer I could think is that I was done and dusted with 10k, and a 5k would only do justice if I could pull a rabbit out of a hat.

The start time for 5k wasn’t that something pleased me or for that matter to a lot of runners. A 8am start with the Sun most likely to be out staring at us could add to the challenge. But on the other hand, you tend to sleep well with the number of hours you had till you hit the event venue.
With a good meal the previous evening and preps of what to wear and the energy gels that I chose to gulp during the race is all that was needed to dash through yet another 5kms after ages.
The 5km timed and untimed category was scheduled to start at 8am. Hence the initial motive was to get closer to the start line. This helps in not having to tackle through the crowd and then spear ahead , instead you could go all guns blazing with a clear sight on the route. And so did I, just walked past the bystanders of 5km category and reached to the very start line and the countdown on my watch was set to begin.
Consumed the first gel at the very beginning and started looking towards the incline as a old friend from the two previous 10k challenges. The first goal was the 2km stretch and gave it all just to go down another 500meters of recovery.

A gel at 2kms just to keep the energy levels in check and to keep going till the next goal of 3.5kms. The 2km initial climb was quite exhaustive and not having done much in terms of speed training, I could definitely feel the burn. I lowered the pace a bit in the 500meter climb on the way back and had to grab some hydration to quench my thirst. With another 500 meters to go for the next goal, it was time to consume another gel sachet at 3.5 kms. 

The 1.5km stretch is all that was left and a breezy downhill was quite a relief. The core indeed felt the burn when I chose to increase the pace. With thoughts that this would not last longer, the aim to hit the finish like or rather the hunger to cross the finish line started growing by many folds. With just 1km to go and the finish line in site was all the way enticing and so did i cross the finish line after a sprint of 21 mins 46 seconds and bagged the 1st place in 30-40 age category for men for the 5k challenge. 
The finish line

The ceremony 

The perfect start to the season 2 of Ultras runs and this was the icing on the cake. A motivational booster indeed and very belief of still being in the game of shorter runs. 
Race time India Ranking Stats

 Strava Stats

Meeting and socializing with peeps at the start and finish line:-

Ganesh – A runner forever. 

Bhumika – IBM is where it all began.

Daiwik twining his trophy. He won in the 10-15 years old category

Rachana – An aspiring runner. 

Laultra peeps – Bala Vishal and Utkarsh