TUFFMAN Beach ULTRA 50kms – Hotter than ever!

The big date with the Border Ultra 100 miler had me take up few challenges that I could help train for the upcoming event. No second thoughts, the experience of Heat and Humidity could only be attained at Tuffman Beach Ultra and I signed up considering these factors in mind. 

Goa is my birth place and I couldn’t wait anymore to run my first Ultra here. For starters, I ran a odd 10km couple of days before the event to see how humid the conditions are. This gave me a fair idea on the preps that should be in place to run this Ultra on Sand, with the heat and humidity. 

The BIB collection took place a day before at The Bay Resort Sernabatim. Got the opportunity to socialize with known faces proir to the event and had to reserve my comments on what to expect out of the run as this was the first its kind for me. 

I head back home to the much needed rest and carbs loading regime. Next day was the big day. Packed a few alternatives of dri fits , water and electrolyte and four Unived gels.
It was a pleasant drive from home to the venue. The race briefing happen and we were told that the loop is now 5kms and needs to be run 10 times to finish the 50km ultra. The thought of loop running instigates your mind that something is just not right because running loops are such a turn off for me. This was a 80-20 split between sand and tar course. The road connects to the beach at few hundred meters from the start point and at towards the end of the loop. There are around 7-10 steps that you need to descend and ascend in the loop.
Met my friend Varun Sheel from the Himalayas (Himachal) and relived the memories of Laultra 55kms. It was nice catching up post all the telephonic conversations we tend to have on running plans. Talking to Varun always makes you cheerful no matter how bigger the challenge is. He is closely associated with Tuffman Runs. 

Nevertheless, the run began at 5:30am. It was quite dark and loop one considered a recce that could help me plan the rest of the run.

Running on sand wasn’t easy. I chose to use my trail shoe instead of road running shoe to ensure I get a grip on the sand and helps me with my strides. The thought of sun coming out soon had me cover the maximum distance I could because I knew the heat and humidity will add to the misery after two hours on the course. 

Dehydration symptoms were on its way. Hence gulp sips of water frequently was the key. I carried a 250ml bottle with electrolytes in it as a back up. The loop had water and aid stations at start and at 2.1 kms. I used it strategically to ensure I am in no loss of water or muchies if needed. I consumed the gel every 10kms and had lot of oranges to avoid from starving as I tend to get hungry post 21kms. 
Do mind the rashes that you get and do not forget to apply vaseline or appropriate creams to avoid all redness under your arms, lega and offcourse the buttcheeks. Victor hospital though was not supplying during the run, the physio was kind enough to offer me from her personal kit. Without vaseline, it could have gotten difficult to keep the legs moving without pain.
The chase to finish line had begun by 6th loop when a young lad started running along side. He gave the much needed motivation to retain the pace at which we were running. We managed to run along side in bits and pieces but soon had to commend his efforts as he looked strong and all I had to focus on what to be myself and run my pace without having to worry about the finish time and enjoy the rest of the run.

I was literally was counting loops and reducing my aim to achieve shorter goals and not eyeing the 50km mark. The milestones moved from 5km to 3km to 2km to 1km. All this because the sweat dripping from body and the scorching heat and sand that was loosing the much needed grip made you yell for the finish line. 
On the last loop, I was greeted by my childhood friends that added to the much needed encouragement and finish the run on a high. The last loop was all about thanking the volunteers at check points and aid stations and have a injury free finish. 
The finish was indeed memorable as I happened to bag a podium at the TUFFMAN Beach ULTRA 50kms in Goa.

The race director did the honours of opening the beers and celebrate the victory. The ambience was built and congratulations from fellow runners made it all count at the conference hall equipped with Air conditioning. phew! what a relief from the heat. 

This run gave me the much needed practice for my upcoming border ultra 100miler and was pleased with my performance. A injury free finish is what I would admire the most at ultras and this was again one of it.

Picture Courtesy by flashbulbz

In pic:- Anju from flashbulbz